Can plastic surgery ever solve body dysmorphic disorder?

Cosmetic surgery is a commonly sought treatment for people with BDD, and between 26 and 40% of people with BDD undergo cosmetic surgery. Most patients with BDD seek plastic surgery or other cosmetic procedures. However, they are usually not satisfied with the results, which often makes them want to undergo other procedures. As a result, TDC is considered a contraindication for cosmetic procedures.

About 70 percent of respondents said they would refuse to perform cosmetic procedures on a patient they suspected of having BDD. The highest rates of body dysmorphic disorder are among people who use aesthetic services, such as plastic surgeons, cosmetic dermatologists and cosmetic dentists. A study revealed that up to 70% of people with body dysmorphic disorder had undergone cosmetic procedures and half had undergone this type of intervention. During these delays, people with post-traumatic affective disorder can try to heal the imperfections they see.

with plastic surgery.