What are the perfect facial proportions for plastic surgery?

According to the classic teaching of plastic surgery, the perfect face is divided into equal parts from top to bottom and side to side. In general, the forehead, nose and lips and chin should each occupy one third of the space on the face. Sure, we all love her philanthropy, grace, and dedication as a mother. It exudes a natural beauty that awakens our real fever.

To top it all off, her face is a great example of having this ideal ratio. That's why going to a board-certified plastic surgeon makes all the difference when it comes to looking for a perfect face with balance and harmony. Nowadays, many cosmetic surgeons use the golden ratio or “Phi mask” as a clinical reference point for determining ideal facial proportions in patients. As you consider options for achieving a perfect face and increased body confidence, know that the best age for plastic surgery is completely up to you. Instead of trying to recreate the supposedly perfect face, a cosmetic surgeon can employ any number of tricks to add balance and, yes, proportion as needed.

According to a study conducted at JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery, one third of the fullness should be in the upper lip and two thirds in the lower lip and chin area. All of this doesn't mean you shouldn't show up to your next plastic surgery appointment with inspiring photos of your favorite celebrities. Plastic surgery techniques are powerful in helping us get as close as possible to that perfect face with ideal facial proportions. While there are some limitations to the type of proportions that plastic surgery can correct, Dr.

Dr. Board-certified plastic surgeon. As a plastic surgeon, I have experience with both surgical and non-surgical techniques to treat early signs of aging. Let's analyze the qualities of a perfect face, from the perspective of a board-certified plastic surgeon with highly trained eyes.

Ask any plastic surgeon and you will most likely have come across any number of patients who come to your office with images of those celebrity facial features.