Avant If your credit score is 580 or higher, you can request a personal rating. Some lenders will also pre-approve your loan through a soft credit inquiry, a credit check that doesn't affect your credit rating. You can review your estimated loan offers and decide if you want to continue with the application and credit consultation. If you accept a loan offer, the lender will generally send the loan funds directly to your bank account. When insurance doesn't cover plastic surgery procedures, you'll need to consider other payment options and the benefits and drawbacks of each.
While elective plastic surgery procedures can come at a high price, there are ways patients can save money. Financing plastic surgery without a credit check is a great option if you can't wait to get that new look. However, many people are reluctant to use the money they have saved for emergencies to pay for their plastic surgery. If you're considering an elective plastic surgery procedure, it's important to consider how you'll cover the cost.